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BG251439816 14/12/2020
This is a super cool bike! Much taller, faster and sturdier than I imagined for the price. Be careful it's very fast! And probably not suitable for a short person, and definitely not a child. It came with way more features than I've seen from name brands at higher prices, the phone holder (with USB charger), basket and tool kit for repairs. Assembly was quick and easy, straight out of the box! It carry me, a tall broad and heavy man up steep hills with relative ease using the throttle and light peddling. My only cons: It doesn't come with any sort of instruction manual and how to use the electronic functions and settings. Although CMACEWHEEL does have a YouTube channel with vague instructional videos on some uses. It's also quite chunky and heavy, would be difficult to haul up a flight of steps, although for my uses it's fine. Otherwise looks and rides great!
Comentarios (3)
  • BG491123381 Hi You make me video qiando works and you greet me

    Reponder 07/03/2021
  • Baker072 Is there a warranty and are there replacement parts

    Reponder 23/08/2021
  • Juan isit waterproof? Does it work in heavy rain?

    Reponder 18/09/2021
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