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Bassem Kayed 28/10/2020
A wonderful electric bike that arrived wrapped in a very good way and without any damages within four days. It arrived, it was collected within half an hour only and it seems to be very durable and strong and with a large capacity battery that seems to be enough to travel very long distances, this is an initial evaluation and after trying it and accordingly I will evaluate it well after Check them out for more time, thank you.
Comentarios (8)
  • Bassem Kayed Very good. I like it is still under test, but in principle satisfied with it and thank you

    Reponder 18/03/2021
  • BG161517154 How long does the battery stay with you?

    Reponder 13/08/2021
  • BG161517154 How long does the battery stay with you?

    Reponder 13/08/2021
  • houssine32 batterie with économique mode how much km autonomie ?

    Reponder 13/01/2022
  • BG325431120 hi how do you find this bike is it good after use,?

    Reponder 25/05/2023
  • BG325431120 مرحبا، هل احتجت لمختص ليركب لك الدراجة أم قمت بذلك بمفردك?

    Reponder 30/05/2023
  • Bassem Kayed @BG325431120 مرحبا لقد قمت بجمعها بنفسي ليست صعبة

    Reponder 30/05/2023
  • BG153370125 Dont recommend, my bike last 300 km and then broke down..

    Reponder 14/08/2023
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