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Peter 12/09/2021
I had ordered this kind of battery as a spare for my Engwe EP/2 bike. It was a useful addition to my capabilities and it would have been enough to have two batteries, but then I took a Banggood bait ;-) and ordered another one at a price that was lower than what I had paid for my first spare battery. Not being able to refrain from accepting the offer has obliged me to rotate the use of my three batteries in such a way, that I use all of them at least once a month, but I do it joyfully. AN IMO IMPORTANT TIP/NOTICE: At first, I had considered transporting one extra battery in something similar to a saddle bag, but not actually fitted to the saddle of the EP2, but to the outside of the part of the frame containing the internal battery. However, I figured out a better and simpler placement of the reserve power: I reduced the size of the cardboard box and the white rather stiff foam that the battery came in, and this modified box I strap to the top of the baggage rack. This way, I am even able to carry 2 extra batteries, strapped one on top of the other! Peter in Sweden
Comentarios (9)
  • hylander maxi Hello,
    did you get the charger in the package? because I didn't get it

    Reponder 17/09/2021
  • REXX5000 my battery says it 48v but it is actually 54v. I have the SAMEBIKE 20LXD30 IS YOUR BATTERIES 54V TOO OR 48V WHEN FULLY CHARGED??

    Reponder 28/11/2021
  • Nononoke @REXX5000 it's normal

    Reponder 06/04/2022
  • Alvaro esta bateria da direito na Engwe ep-2? obrigado

    Reponder 21/06/2022
  • Alvaro esta bateria da para Engwe ep-2 de 500W é que existe a de 750W? obrigado

    Reponder 21/06/2022
  • Alvaro por favor enviar foto real da bateria obrigado

    Reponder 23/06/2022
  • BG484864834 bello schifo lì dietro con un cartone!!! 🤦🤦🤦

    Reponder 26/08/2022
  • BG841818322 looool

    Reponder 10/07/2023
  • REXX5000 I rotate my two batteries.. I charge one while using the other.. I have 11,168km put up on my "Sam-ebike" and still it's going perfectly. never gave me any trouble at all..

    Reponder 31/01/2024
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