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BG103894210 04/09/2023
Fast delivery, very good value for money, beautiful watch!😊
Comentarios (20)
  • mrtakyol How is the phone call?

    Reponder 09/09/2023
  • BG103894210 @mrtakyol I only tried it once, the call quality was not bad, and the speaker is surprisingly loud. It doesn't distort even when playing music at full volume

    Reponder 12/09/2023
  • BG103894210 I only tried it once, the call quality was not bad, and the speaker is surprisingly loud. It doesn't distort even when playing music at full volume

    Reponder 12/09/2023
  • BG103894210 I only tried it once, the call quality was not bad, and the speaker is surprisingly loud. It doesn't distort even when playing music at full volume.

    Reponder 12/09/2023
  • bluewhale Hello!How many hours does it last on a charge? Thanks!

    Reponder 08/11/2023
  • BG103894210 Recently, I've been using other watches...but as far as I remember, I've never had to charge them after 2-3 hours...although I tried to charge them at 20% at the latest...The only "problem" I have is that the "AOD" is not the same as always... after a few minutes the display goes dark...

    Reponder 09/11/2023
  • Lego szia, magyar menü van benne?

    Reponder 18/11/2023
  • BG103894210 Sajnos az óra nem tud magyarul csak a hozzá tartozó telefon applikáció beszéli a mi nyelvünket...

    Reponder 20/11/2023
  • BG532121475 gffgdwdkdfdgfwd

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 commander allô

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 oui ça va quand elle arrive d'accord il y a l'attaque il y a là qui va non ça fait d'accord et alors

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 et alors tu as comme taille arabe

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 jgf

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 @BG103894210 ytzgefrfzfzfz

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 oui ça va quand oui d'accord et alors

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 cfdskzdd oui ça va quand oui d'accord commander la radio rigoler

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 fwdjjjdh

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 hggforfecd

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 vcxcdxdxd

    Reponder 24/10/2024
  • BG532121475 fwqmllllddefez

    Reponder 24/10/2024
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