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Nagyon jó készülék. Akku sok használattal, telefonálásokkal, folyamatos vérnyomásméréssel is 5-8 nap. A kijelző nagyon szép, rengeteg letölthető, és egyéni hátlappal. Telefonáláskor a hang kifejezetten tiszta, és jól érthető. A kijelzőre viszont vigyázni kell, lekerekített élű, így könnyen karcolódik.
Las insignias están relacionadas con la comunidad, y los usuarios obtienen insignias creando contenido de calidad, completando misiones o participando en actividades especiales. Las personas específicas también tendrán su propia insignia exclusiva.
Badges are related to the community, and users earn badges by creating quality content, completing missions, or by participating in special activities.
Helpful Badges
The Badge is awarded to users who are subscribed to the Invite Answer email and signifies their gratitude to help others. The badge appearance upgrades as the user helps more people.
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Sobre insignias
Las insignias están relacionadas con la comunidad, y los usuarios obtienen insignias creando contenido de calidad, completando misiones o participando en actividades especiales. Las personas específicas también tendrán su propia insignia exclusiva.
Badges are related to the community, and users earn badges by creating quality content, completing missions, or by participating in special activities.
Helpful Badges
The Badge is awarded to users who are subscribed to the Invite Answer email and signifies their gratitude to help others. The badge appearance upgrades as the user helps more people.
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If you subscribe, we will invite you via email to answer questions people have about products. By subscribing you'll also earn the "Helpful Badge"! You can unsubscribe at any time on the privacy settings page.
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Thank you! Your answer will help ###name### and ###num### other people!
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