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ahmedyafi 06/04/2021
انا توقعتو انهو سكوتر كهربائي متوقع يوصل سكوتر كهربائي
Comentarios (11)
  • BG415190124 bom ao comprar está bem específico motor de scooter elétrico, só o motor ok

    Reponder 02/05/2021
  • BG523785256 ماهية السرعة القسوا

    Reponder 07/05/2021
  • BG364733381 Nowhere does it say it's a scooter...learn to read before buying stuff online.......

    Reponder 18/05/2021
  • Fonwool Hithere... Im looking into building a 3 wheeler hybrid scooter bike thing...Just wondering... But it all seems a little expensive (and v difficult!)... Just wondering, have you still got this? Any interest in selling? Whats your very best price?! (we would need to pot to Greece as well)...Sorry I dont know how to pm you - Cheers...

    Reponder 19/05/2021
  • BG185317541 Someone can help me to buy this in dubai I will pay cash

    Reponder 01/06/2021
  • BG331322141 اذا حابب تبيعه اشتريه انا بدبى

    Reponder 22/06/2021
  • BG342156318 hello. is the motor coming with a weel and tyre?

    Reponder 31/07/2021
  • BG316111316 I am purchas scooter bike full butt receive only moter

    Reponder 24/08/2021
  • immortalpredator it's states it's for the motor wheel only 😂🤣😂🤣😂💩💩💩🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤🤤

    Reponder 01/10/2021
  • Jasonm222 you thought you were getting a $4000 scooter for the price of a $200 motor? c'mon man.

    Reponder 20/12/2021
  • BG353624839 😂😂😂😂

    Reponder 17/04/2022
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