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werz99 11/05/2022
This is no 6Ah battery. 10 Celles 5S2P for 6000mAh would mean that a single cell is capabable of 3000mAh/cell. Inside (photo) there are no name cells unknown chemistry. Electronic looks clean. Fit on drill is too stiff! I am sure that this is a something like a 4Ah pack! Came with a voltage with 18V which is ok. After loading the cells get rather warm and he pack has "electric smell". - Willsee how duranle the battery pack is. I recommend buying of original makita batteries. There you know what you get ! Uploading .jpg photos does not work - Only jpg allowed...what?
Comentarios (1)
  • BG233556385 Definitely right. This "6Ah" battery working time is half than my original Makita 5Ah battery. Good for screw drivers but weak for outdoor machines like lawnmower or edge cutter. Value mirroring the performance.

    Reponder 30/05/2022
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