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Revisión positiva superior para %s en Banggood, Compre el mejor %s con el precio más bajo en Banggood. Explore la reseña positiva más útil para %s antes de comprar., juguetes rc, deportes divertidos, moda, electrónica popular
Jasonm222 01/10/2018
I LOVE this device! It allows me to discharge my lipos safely and with purpose. As far as its use as a phone charger, It is one of the best and FASTEST. It charges my galaxy s7 edge at 9v and up to 2 amps. Please note: the displat is red LED 7segment, not the LCD shown, but i think it is better. This unit atuo detacts the number of cells and an appropriate safe discharge voltage, when it gets there it stops charging and lets you know. So compact and so handy. JUST BUY ONE!
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