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j van der sterre 19/12/2018
reageert niet goed op de schakelaar springt van fel naar zwak uv en rood licht doet het soms niet
Comentarios (1)
  • Banggood Dear j van der sterre, Thank you for choosing Banggood and sorry for the inconvenience caused. We rigorously check every product before shipping it, so this damage might be occurred during its transportation. We have forwarded your feedback to our customer service and will give you a proper solution within 24-48 hours.  If you have any other inquiries, please do not hesitate to contact us by filling out the form via these links:  Personal Computer: http://www.banggood.com/Contact-Us_hi111 Mobile: https://m.banggood.com/contact_us.html We will do our best to assist you.  Best regards, Banggood Team

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