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ArijitB 09/06/2024
Thank You Banggood for shipping the product to my location which usually excluded. Great to see a full size HDMI port and built in stand and one Type-A usb port for peripheral - all these 3 combo is hard to find together in a single portable monitor. Kudos to bring such a Great product to the respective manufacturer.
Comentarios (3)
  • suraj sahu how did you get it, as it's showing unable to ship to india

    Reponder 19/06/2024
  • Devansh12037 same here please tell us how to get it

    Reponder 22/06/2024
  • ArijitB @suraj sahu Yes,but somehow in the middle of May BG made a mistake and opened up the listing for India, Once I placed the order hoping it would get cancelled any day but instead the product got shipped...and finally arrived the exact model with great shockproof packaging, needless to say item received without any extra charges.

    Reponder 22/06/2024
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