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Revisión positiva superior para %s en Banggood, Compre el mejor %s con el precio más bajo en Banggood. Explore la reseña positiva más útil para %s antes de comprar., juguetes rc, deportes divertidos, moda, electrónica popular
LiamSully 27/05/2021
wasn't expecting it to perform so well. Really don't like the remote, thinking of putting a 20amp esc in and pairing it with my HP-007. Most of the features are listed below, one thing they don't mention is that the shocks can be adjusted, there are 2 mounting points on the chassis for customization. Can't wait to get some weighted Panda wheels on to stop it tumbling so much🙈 Highly recommended, looks the part, handles well and is half the price of the Rochobby Katana.
Comentarios (1)
  • reekoo yeah, it seems really cool. does the esc make lot of noise at low speed? and the weighted pansa wheels, do you have a ref please?

    Reponder 01/10/2021
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