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Gvibes83 21/09/2023
Well I was disappointed at first because being my first single rotor chopter I don't was informed about the fact that is normal the heli appears have more weight to the right,but that is because the single rotor design flying Cw ,even with the tail rotor flying CCW it's not enough to stabilize since the main motor is a powerful brushed 1020 motor ! Now and since I take that off the equation off having something to do with the toilet bowl effect rotating left or going sideways to the left I have to actually loose the 4 screws that go to the cross shaft plate that then fix the four blades ,and for the people with same problem,don't put the screws off the blades too tight ,make them loose were you almost can blowing with your mouth and the blade goes forward ( that's how loose it wants to be) U think I manage to fix 90% off the toilet bowl effect,so I'm happy now ,the controller joysticks are so smooth and he's very fast and powerful! I was expecting the same brushed main motor like the eachine e129 with a 8.520 and a tail motor 615 ,but actually this one has a main motor 1020 and a tail 720 !!! that's 👍👍👍👍👍😃😃 Come with the two batteries that I bought with a good promotion in bangood site ,and flying fast and always rotating and normt stoping I get 13-14 minutes in both batterys ,so that's great ,they have 15 in the description and u believe iff I fly more slow or stuck in place it can actually give me 15 to 16 minutes. My first eachine product and I'm happy ,only the minor problem with the screws to tight, doing the toilet bowl effect,but that was a easy fix ,and I'm informing people about the issue , because it can help people that don't have experience with rc helicopters and drones.
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