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colter james Calvetti 04/12/2021
I got the 3 battery version and im shocked with how forgiving the helicopter has been. I'm well versed in RC cars, and have flown 2,3 and 4 channel coaxial helicopters. but I wanted a single rotor with a swashplate. this fit the bill perfectly. I checked the batteries voltage when they arrived at 7.7-7.8 volts, this is a safe voltage to be shipped and stored at, thats a great thing. the heat sink seems to fit snugly and works well, it looks like there's multiple mounting points for the motor,, perhaps this is to adjust gear ratio with different pinion gears? the radio takes 4 AAA batteries, very nice. it fits well in my medium sized hands. this is a durable and swift helicopter. I have crashed it an uncountable number of times in to metal, concrete, and plastic objects and I only broke the tail propeller when I accidentally backed it into the garage door. im absolutely flabbergasted its taken this much abuse. its a blast to fly. would buy again.
Comentarios (5)
  • Michael Van Der Walt Not recommended (power motor inferior

    Reponder 25/04/2022
  • Michael Van Der Walt Crap!!!!!

    Reponder 30/04/2022
  • Michael Van Der Walt After ten flights you will have problems

    Reponder 13/08/2022
  • colter james Calvetti I have managed to break both of my tail rotors that came in the box, I fully blame myself for crashing into my garage though. I'm sorry, you're having issues with yours and I hope you get it ironed out

    Reponder 13/09/2022
  • ThomasKx2 I plan on getting one for my next helli,
    I have the 119 and it's great the one thing about these comment pages is there's always somebody who had a bad experience. So far these helicopters are durable and fun to fly.

    Reponder 20/01/2023
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