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Second Purchase Of FS-i6 Was As Perfect As The First! Read first review under toots for details. The only thing I forgot to mention is the fact that with the IA6B receivers you get telemetry on the FS-i6 transmitter! You also get the ability to use old AFHDS receivers because transmitter is backwards compatible and can be can be used with either receiver. Range improved significantly with new IA6B receiver. Also with a little careful cutting work with a dremel tool, you can convert to a 6.6v LiFePo4 Receiver Pack futaba style battery to increase your time between charges and the need for throw away battery's. You could also use this setup sold right here on Bangood and not have to do any cutting at all!.
Like I said in previous review, THANK YOU! FlySky and Bangood for making RC affordable for me again!
CAPNHARDWAYI'm looking to get an inexpensive radio, I'm liking at the radiomaster tx12 with ELRS. what do you think? Thank you, I appreciate your imput.
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