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Nat 28/08/2017
In the last past 11 months, I have lost two hubsan H501Ss and one 501C drone, they or just not very reliable and all eventually malfunction and fly off. They are out dated and past their prime. My last 501s which I received only a few days ago went out about 155 meters and 20 meters high when the video went out, wentfrom 11 GPS to 5 GPS and stopped responding to the transmitter and flew off some where, I took a snapshot of the telemetry but it was wrong My first 501s did something similar, the 501C self-landed when the battery became low and was never found.
Comentarios (3)
  • Banggood Dear customer, Thank you for choosing Banggood and sorry for your any inconvenience came up with the product. If you have any items quality problems, welcome to contact our customer service (cservice@banggood.com)for help, and we will give you a good solution. Best regards, Banggood team

  • jluiscampos A mí me pasó lo mismo con la telemetría que no lee nada. Si te dieron alguna solución la podrias compartir? una saludo, mi correo es jlcamcan@gmail.com

    Reponder 20/02/2018
  • Gvibes83 well your unlucky 🐈‍⬛ for sure or you are in a very high electromagnetic place!

    with the pro controller I'm getting 800 meters without losing image ( and I love analog) since instead off freezing completely the image like digital drones do ,this one you can adjust the antena and getting better signal it's like a old tv antenna 📡 digital you get maximum quality or nothing!

    I love this drone and the fact the RTH is to the place I am with the controller and not the position the drone takes off and discovered the minimum satellites!

    Reponder 18/03/2024
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