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BG181712491 16/12/2021
Don't buy one of these. I should have checked youtube reviews before I purchased mine. Other people complained about the same issue I had. The drone never had a stable flight in its life. it lifted up 1 meter and started flying in circles without touching the remote. All the requests from the service team to repeatedly try the calibration again, try a new battery, try changing batteries in the remote. In one fateful trial flight, it flew up 40ft and with no response to anything in the remote, it crashed into a tree. This is your fate too if you buy one of these. My advice, find another model from another manufacturer. Even if you get a good one from here, you will always know the support is crap when you need it. poor drone lasted only three days. 7 completely uncontrollable flights their support asked me to perform and one crash ended it flying forever. You buy one, you do so at your own risk.
Comentarios (1)
  • Asus Kybd Onlything of theirs I had FUN with was the H8 mini, JJRC should stick to toys.

    Reponder 18/01/2022
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