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BG435101217 02/01/2021
Overall I absolutely love this car, I recently purchased the other version with the different body and wanted to try this one out as I liked the look of it. I purchased this kit version as I had a spare Dumbo RC transmitter/receiver, JLB motor and Hobbywing SC8 120A ESC. It was easy to put together and get up and running which I liked. The performance is very good, having plenty of acceleration and top speed. It's slightly faster than the other version of the JLB Cheetah due to the larger wheels. However due to the larger wheels and the fact they're very grippy on the abandoned runway I was using it on, when turning even at low speeds it would dig in and flip over. After flipping it 5 times in as many minutes I decided to run it off road only which in fairness is what it's designed for. I used it for driving up steep and very rocky hills and to my amazement it did it so incredibly easily much to my amusement. Today I decided to put some smaller on road wheels on to run it in the snow to drift and what have you, unfortunately I broke the chassis where it connects to a control link as seen in the photo. I made contact with a gutter right on the rear wheel quite softly in my opinion. I think the fact it was -1 and was covered in snow probably made the chassis weaker than normal, as my other JLB Cheetah has been slammed into gutters harder without even a scratch. I have ordered a new chassis for the tiny amount of 9GBP delivered so it's no big deal really, but would be nice if that part was stronger.
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