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Ruzgeff 05/07/2023
This is a great truck, great value for the money, but my particular truck did not come with the star for the centre of the grill after providing the proof they asked for still no replacement
Comentarios (8)
  • BG421522040 wirdohne Stern (Mercedes-Benz) geliefert, siehe Bilder; u get what u see

    Reponder 18/07/2023
  • Ruzgeff Every person who has the truck has the Mercedes Star included !!!
    I paid for insurance and they Guarantees all parts
    I have not had good customer Service regarding this matter???

    Reponder 20/07/2023
  • Ruzgeff Nope not True whoever you are 😡

    Reponder 20/07/2023
  • Ruzgeff The seller sent me a M Star Thank you BUT you charged me 79p for the privilege so I will not change the review
    It’s not the amount of money, it’s a principle there’s a guarantee put it any missing parts will be replaced and also we pay insurance. What is it for? Banggood This was my first purchase from you not very good customer services is truck is fantastic buy one if there’s anything missing you just have to pay to replace it😂

    Reponder 05/08/2023
  • banggood @Ruzgeff Dear customer,

    Thank you for sending such a kind and enthusiastic comment.

    You are our very important customer, If you require any more further information or assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at vipservice@banggood.com

    Best regards,

    Banggood Team

    Reponder 06/08/2023
  • ClaudeMarck1970 Hello,Does it have a metal or plastic front bumper ?

    Reponder 23/11/2023
  • 0951 plastic

    Reponder 20/12/2023
  • Marco320 Did you get the box of steel gears all the YT reviewers get? I didn’t get extra gears. Must be a YT special

    Reponder 11/01/2024
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