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Revisión positiva superior para %s en Banggood, Compre el mejor %s con el precio más bajo en Banggood. Explore la reseña positiva más útil para %s antes de comprar., juguetes rc, deportes divertidos, moda, electrónica popular
RicMill 25/07/2023
Amazing 1/12 Unimog, Locking Diffs, Two speed gearbox, Twin 260 Motors Seriously put this little gem into it own league for the money imo, Lots of Potential, Can Wait to go out trailing with it
Comentarios (2)
  • ClaudeMarck1970 Hello,Does it have a metal or plastic front bumper ?

    Reponder 23/11/2023
  • Marco320 Hi, was the box of metal gears included with the truck or did you buy those separately?

    Reponder 12/01/2024
Encuesta de satisfacción

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