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webmailtje 20/01/2021
12v/20watt halogen lamp.It is possible to limit power. When red light is on it means current is limiting. You need to turn current higher and in parallel lower voltage if getting too high!Weird supply
Comentarios (3)
  • ericbeekers Thisis normal behavior. You are in constant current mode. Not constant voltage mode. The power supply will try to keep the current constant and if needed will higher the voltage to keep the current constant.

    Reponder 21/02/2021
  • BG223216402 Howdo u switch between constant current mode and constant voltage mode. I am powering LEDs and need to maintain a set voltage on the line. Thx.

    Reponder 25/03/2021
  • BG223216402 @ericbeekers Howdo u switch between constant current and constant voltage mode? I need to maintain a constant voltage on LED strip lights.

    Reponder 25/03/2021
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