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Michiel_P 04/09/2018
Don't expect to much from this it is quite crapy but still ok doe thé price.
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  • Banggood Dear Michiel_P,Thank for your recent suggestion on how we can improve. We appreciate you taking the time to inform us of how we can better serve our customers.Banggood welcome any of your suggestions, now and in the future.  We want you to make the most out of our products and services, and make sure that you are always satisfied. For this reason, we will forward your feedback to our supplier and ensure that we can work on improving the quality of the products we sell.If you have any suggestions or require our assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us at this link: http://www.banggood.com/Contact-Us_hi111We will give you a proper solution within 24-48 hours. Best regards,Banggood Team

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