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BG193217494 04/12/2019
this is not a first airplane. it has no self stabilizing tendencies (no dihedral to auto level) so you have to fly it all the time. that being said it is a good second or 3rd airplane depending on your prior skill. I am running mine on a 1650kv motor and 30a esc and 1300mah 3s. I don’t see how you could fit anything bigger in. I started with a ep8060 prop and it was too much, it melted the hot glue holding the esc in. I stepped it down to an apc 7x6E which is better but still too much prop for my combo. I have apc 7x4E props on the way which I think will be just right. I couldn’t get the wood flap to stay glued onto the wing so I am using single #64 bands to hold the wing down. I added 2 1x6mm 500mm long carbon strips in the wing. the receiver is in the pocket for the center servo and I didn’t need any servo extensions. I am using 2.25 inch tires and I think it will handle grass ok. it has snowed for the winter so I am on skis now which it handles good. The springs on the skis have a tendency to nose it over but I need the angle. it has great aerobatic potential and I think it will be a favorite little park Flyer. it’s just the right size to keep around. mine was built with rudder from the start. it doesn’t need it in the air but makes ground handling fun. I added some holes for cooling air and a scoop out of lexan scraps it should help with temperatures along with the prop change.
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  • sx976 I came to similar conclusions. 3S1300mah seems to be the best battery size. I am using a 2805 2840kv motor with a 7035 prop. I needed 40g under the front of the battery to get the model to balance on the wires to the aileron servos (30% MAC).

    Reponder 25/08/2024
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