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Revisión positiva superior para %s en Banggood, Compre el mejor %s con el precio más bajo en Banggood. Explore la reseña positiva más útil para %s antes de comprar., juguetes rc, deportes divertidos, moda, electrónica popular
robii38 03/02/2024
Strong mini RC ! A super little model, with great features for the price, and very good durability for this moment. Good stability (tested on a rocks/dust), great power with a lot of wheeling despite the terrain. About 13~14 min of running time in my case. After that, the AQ drop to 6.8 to 7.0 volts at the moment of the cut-off come. It's little low, so be careful however... For this moment, nothing has broke after few pack and a lot of crash. Just few impacts on one lower wishbone and chassis, and the screws of the front and back units must be protect with plastic cover because their are exposed. But for me who have a lot of RC models branded HPI, Armma, Traxxas, Tamiya... This model is a must have in the mini sphere !
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