BG172555101 Kérem intézkedjenek, vagy fizessék vissza
Reponder 07/10/2022
@BG172555101 We have already received your feedback for the order. We would like to try our best to provide you the best solutions. For this reason, if your questions have not been solved yet, please do not hesitate to contact us via the link: and provide more details about your question so that we can confirm the case as soon as possible and solve it efficiently.
And we will reply and offer you the best solutions after receiving your email within 24-48 hours.
Best regards,
Banggood Team
BG172555101 A 3 db fúvókából csak 1 passzol a géphez, a másik kettő a nagyobb 1l-eshez való. Kérem segítsenek kicserélni.
Reponder 11/10/2022Nuestra Empresa | Contáctenos | Pago & Envío | Programas |