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Revisión positiva superior para %s en Banggood, Compre el mejor %s con el precio más bajo en Banggood. Explore la reseña positiva más útil para %s antes de comprar., juguetes rc, deportes divertidos, moda, electrónica popular
Asus Kybd 10/01/2020
WORST servo step resolution I've EVER SEEN! From end-to-end, they have roughly 8-10 steps, they seem to choke on each (bind) as the stick is traversed across it's range and this \means you will have NO fine control inflight. I was going to use them as camera gimbal servos but I see now they're NOT accurate enough for the task. Good for a CHEAP FOAMIE or maybe a boat.
Comentarios (3)
  • Asus Kybd fuck off

    Reponder 11/02/2020
  • Jay707 we don't have a lot of options for 3-5g digital metal gear servos. let me know what you used to replace them. I'm putting these in a nano skyhunter for the rudder. may use 3g nylon ones instead. thanks for getting a guinea pig 👍

    Reponder 06/07/2020
  • quadcopterguide why rate it 5 stars?

    Reponder 08/10/2020
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