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Revisión positiva superior para %s en Banggood, Compre el mejor %s con el precio más bajo en Banggood. Explore la reseña positiva más útil para %s antes de comprar., juguetes rc, deportes divertidos, moda, electrónica popular
herb.stober 03/12/2024
For the price, it's pretty good. FM performance is very good and SW surprised me that it works as well as it does - better than most radios in this price class. MW search is a bit wonky, I have to key in the frequency manually. Instructions are in Chinese only but Google translate made it possible to read them. 64 gb cards work in both TF slots. The video formats it will accept seem to have some limitations that are not immediately apparent. I've tried a variety of video clips from my computer and I see a lot of 'invalid file' or 'encode error' messages. when the video works, it is good though. overall sound quality is pleasant but, again, only in the context of it's price range. overall, good value for the cost.
Comentarios (3)
  • ArijitB Does the battery come in the package or do you need to buy it separately ?

    Reponder 06/12/2024
  • herb.stober I installed an old (2019) version of format factory and all of the video formats I've run through that work with this unit. I think a firmware update to decode current video formats is required. I hope Sansui is working on that.

    Reponder 16/12/2024
  • herb.stober the batteries are included

    Reponder 16/12/2024
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