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Gvibes83 29/08/2023
Received the drone in 8-9 days ,still not tested ,but I'm really impressed with zll level off quality in this drone for only 109€✓!!! Great controller with real antenna and heavy and sturdy and the drone is the same!!! It really is better than kf102 in all fronts but unfortunately don't have a two axis gymbal but it has photo stabilization and a rubbered part in the servo motor part off the front camera ( anti shake) that make things better than a normal servo gymbal with no axis!!! And we receive a very good quality bag that you can use for all type off traveling,very nice 👍👍👍👍 then gonna put my feedback off the test with the drone .
Comentarios (5)
  • Gvibes83 well tested for now indoors in optical flow mode and battery give me 19 minutes I was expecting the 25 minutes since it was a test indoor with no wind and no fpv ,but I guess it's ok !! Laser obstacle avoidance is fantastic and the drone is incredible stable even in optical flow mode! discovered alot off satellites in my house ( in a place with alot off walls ) 19 satellites!!! Now only have to test with gps , but I'm loving this guy for sure 😃!!!

    Reponder 01/09/2023
  • Gvibes83 Well gonna leave the video off the drone with artificial light in optical flow mode stable like a rock and a video off him in gps mode! Flyes fantastic and record video at 1080p 30fps in SD card ,with anti shake vibration rubber in the servo camera and EIS is amazingly stable it appears it has a axis gymbal! you only see it shake a little if you fly in second speed or sideways left or right! forward or backward or rotating left or right is very stable indeed!!! Very happy with this little bug for the price is the best for sure 😃😃😃😃!!!!

    Reponder 07/09/2023
  • Gvibes83 https://youtu.be/mOg27zC2Kek?si=uFGcnMeHsMJjZjsP

    Reponder 07/09/2023
  • Gvibes83 Optical flow mode stable like a rock ( and at night with only some artificial light) Fantastic 😊


    Reponder 07/09/2023
  • Gvibes83 Another test off the drone during the day!!! it's sad that some YouTubers show 22 minutes battery flying outdoors when mine give me 14-15m.

    Reponder 17/09/2023
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