
hate2crash this is a 2s setup with pnp version...of coarse you burned up motor...if you want the best motor,esc,prop combination just find the rc groups thread and read what others are using..some guys want unlimited vertical,some just want to glide can pretty much design your own power setups for any plane to suit your liking,but there are very few planes out there that can handle an extra cell without issues...

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respuestas (12)

Q: why is it so expensive? is it from full carbon or something?

Preguntado por sebikoop8 sobre 2024-04-21 02:37:44

hate2crash No its just epo foam,with a spar...i actually loke these type planes...i have a wingnetic i crashed many times and rebuilt it and still fly...i wish i could buy another wingnetic in kit form...unfortunately hobbyking stopped selling them...

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Q: Est t il possible d acheter l avion sans electronique, et à quel prix ?

Preguntado por BG481211159 sobre 2023-04-05 12:11:30

hate2crash i did see a complete airframe being sold on aliexpress..but not sure all the linkage is available...price was over 60.THIS plane flys amazing one i manually adjusted the linkage...but flyiing it with a quality radio would make it amazing...its tempting for me to convert it...

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