
Q: What are the dimensions of the motors, is it 20x8,5mm? Thanks in advance.

Preguntado por evdwal02 sobre 2023-07-06 18:51:45

Gvibes83 no ,it's 716 , already changed one .

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Q: what are the dimensions of the motor, is it 20x8,5mm?. Thanks in advance.

Preguntado por evdwal02 sobre 2023-07-07 05:08:14

Gvibes83 no the drone as small 716 motors.

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Gvibes83 well this was corrected if they used a vertical montes tail motor instead off one in the vertical position in the right??? or I'm wrong? it's my first helicopter with this mechanism ,but other helicopters I have the tail motor is vertical and this don't happen!!!

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Q: hoeveel gr weegt deze in totaal batterij inbegrepen

Preguntado por BG185316382 sobre 2023-08-12 03:36:06

Gvibes83 mine only has 282g with obstacle avoidance and battery! it's normal the 2600mah only weights 72g when the 3000mah sold out there has 150g??? I think the 30 g missing in my drone is the battery more weak than originally Shipped!!! it should have 90-100 grams.

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Q: Which drone is better the s1s or the s5s?

Preguntado por BG225110852 sobre 2023-03-30 04:34:54

Gvibes83 s5s has better battery life but s1s is a faster copter.

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Q: Consigo acompanhar as imagens ao vivo pela tela do celular? Qual aplicativo?

Preguntado por BG342432441 sobre 2023-01-11 09:31:05

Gvibes83 yes but u recommend trying other apps other than the wifi cam that came in the qr code.

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