
Q: data output?

Preguntado por harveyb sobre 2018-01-08 17:51:51

spud340 yes they have data out put!! it would be nice to be able to use it from the dial calipers and other scales that have and dont have the remote display. I have 3 machines that do have them on them for readouts, I have my bigger mill that I just put a real DRO on for $236 delivered off flebay new from china with 3axis,3 glass scales everything. the readout for the cheaper scales like shown is very limited and some have the readout on the scale witch is hard to see and no2x function for lathe cross slide. the 2 items on the market are as much $ as the complete real dro system , so thats just plain stupid, it should be $12~18.00. Im sure all that great Adriano stuff could be used to make them for about that, but I haven't a clue as to that stuff, i"m a machinist,engine builder,racer, not electrick wizard.but I aint stupid.

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