
Q: Are these waterproof?

Preguntado por Roddy Albert sobre 2019-04-12 06:47:26

BG113742111 It doesn’t say, however I’d say yes they are. There is no location on the motor for water to enter it (assuming we’re referring to splashing or intermittent exposure to water. Of course, it is not submersible and cannot go under water.

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Q: 750KV is for how many S max ? is it 10S ?

Preguntado por Piotrek sobre 2021-12-22 03:26:23

BG113742111 You can find this information by opening the “description” section of this item and checking the “specifications” chart. For 750kV the maximum voltage is 50v. 50v \ 3.7v nominal = 13.5 rounded down to 13S. So, the maximum is 13S or 13 cells from your LiPo batteries.

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Q: Can this esc really handle 12cells lipo 50plus voltage?

Preguntado por xboxice sobre 2021-07-01 18:48:10

MacDaddy5O To: The seller So, no. No it cannot handle 12S. It doesn’t sound like it can handle 8S either.

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Q: est ce qu'il fais 6s en 1720 kV ?

Preguntado por BG444497131 sobre 2022-01-04 10:20:37

MacDaddy5O That answer from the seller is incorrect. If you look at the data sheet uploaded upside down in the product description, you’ll see “<24V(1720KV)” which makes sense because as the KV goes down the max voltage goes up and the max amperage goes down. It wouldn’t make any sense at all to have a 1720KV motor only be able to take 9.6V especially given the size of this motor.

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