
Q: Does it work with the eWeLink or Blitzwolf Apps?

Preguntado por junisvk sobre 2020-01-03 11:02:47

xnikos BlitzwolfApps like tuya, smart life, digoolife

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Q: μπορεί νά γίνει αποστολή Ελλάδα?

Preguntado por Lary Saratsis sobre 2019-11-22 15:34:03

xnikos εννοείται, εγώ το περιμένω...

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xnikos yes I have the same problem, it's frustrating. they suffer from some kind of interference. Not at home but when walking around connection is unstable. I have to keep them at no more than 50cm strangely this doesn't happen at home, that's why I think of interference's also very often they don't connect automatically like TWS but separately

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