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sidel54umit54 bu alet efsane dir uzun zamandan beri kullanırım analog tan dijitale çevirdim süper bı alet tir

2022-12-29 02:54:03 Servicial (0)
respuestas (1)

Q: Is it possible to change to Mode 1?

Preguntado por ASW29 sobre 2020-05-29 06:49:19

sidel54umit54 istenirse mod1 re de cevrilir

2022-06-02 09:36:45 Servicial (0)
respuestas (6)

Q: How is the connection of the Vtx to the rp-sma or sma antenna?

Preguntado por Ivan Rosso sobre 2021-01-06 01:53:39

sidel54umit54 drone çok iyi stok ayarlarını bile hic ellemedim severek kullandığım bir drone

2022-06-02 09:36:05 Servicial (0)
respuestas (3)

Q: Che modello è delle 3 descritte da dal sito granmaster?

Preguntado por BG181544246 sobre 2020-09-06 06:01:16

sidel54umit54 gerçekten kaliteli bir. kumanda herkese tavsiye ederim

2022-06-02 09:35:26 Servicial (0)
respuestas (3)

Q: hello i want a soldering station but do you know how much is the customs tax

Preguntado por yigitkurtuldu4 sobre 2020-11-15 01:15:40

sidel54umit54 According to the country, the customs stay changed in TURKEY 40% of the country is taken by the country of the country, the number of figures can be reduced by the selling price of the selling price

2021-10-29 02:07:21 Servicial (0)
respuestas (17)