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Q: Do you have TCMT 16 T***** with Nano blue coating ?

Preguntado por BG122540241 sobre 2021-04-17 04:55:13

mateo Yes.

2024-03-13 03:32:20 Servicial (0)
respuestas (2)

Q: Does the arbor screw fully into the head. The one sent to me as a 2mm gap

Preguntado por pamamas sobre 2018-04-12 05:14:47

mateo YesEverything fits perfectly on mine.

2024-03-13 03:32:00 Servicial (0)
respuestas (2)

Q: Is it MC 12 or MC 2 ?

Preguntado por hottink5 sobre 2019-05-11 04:43:10

mateo MT3

2024-03-13 03:30:34 Servicial (0)
respuestas (2)

mateo Thedescription has been changed. They are now sold as 6V-10V. If you need them for the hit and miss with 4.5V then they won't work unless you change the battery holder to 4 or 6 AA cells. It would be best to use 9V smoke alarm type batteries with the correct connector.

mateo 29/02/2024
Comentarios (2)