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Edje 26/06/2021
Very nice product! I wanted to use this sensor as a detector of an object in the proximity, and it seems that it is very fast and reliable! An important remark about the pin VL. Though not or hardly mentioned in the sketches I encountered, you MUST connect this pin to VCC, in order to let the infrared LED work and thus the proximity detector. (Or use the solder bridge!) The "CJMCU-9930 APDS-9930 Proximity and Non Contact Gesture Recognition Detection Attitude Sensor" detects object that are within a distance of 10 cm of the sensor. You can adjust it. The sensor outputs a number, range 0::1024, let's say < 300 means no object detected, >=300 (max 1024) means object detected. You can play with this value 300 to make it more or less sensitive. The sensor needs 3.3 Volt. When you combine the sensor with an LCD display (the blue or yellow one!), and you want to provide 5V as supply voltage to the LCD display (using the same I2C bus), you have a problem! I applied a level converter succesfully, to be able to combine the sensor and the LCD display at the same bus. (Banggood: Logic Level Converter Bi-Directional IIC 4 Way Level Conversion Module) I reduced to 5 volt tot approx 3.3 volt by applying 3 diodes in series, connecting LV to HV of the level converter. (You can of course also use the 3.3 volt, available at the ESP to feed LV, but I like the 4-wire connection, Banggood: 4 Pin 20cm 2.54mm Jumper Cable DuPont Wire For Female To Female) In this way and ESP01 (ESP8266) can control the sensor and a LCD display and possibly several other stuff (for example I2C temperature sensor like AHT10 or a PCF8574 IO extension module). For ESP the most APDS libraries have to be modified: apply "Wire.begin(SdaPin, SclPin);" in stead of "Wire.begin();"! One thing that is not very handy: The APDS9930 has pinning GND-VCC-SCL-SDA. The LCD display has pinning GND-VCC-SDA-SCL. The PCF8574 has pinning VCC-GND-SDA-SCL. AHT10 has pinning VIN-GND-SCL-SDA. You got it? What a missed chance!
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Edje Itis possible to let the Arduino music shield act as midiplayer as a slave of an ESP01 (as master) with a 5V adaptor board with level converters. The ESP01 communicates with the Arduino-music shield via I2C. (RX and TX should be redefined and SCL and SDA). The ESP01 is supposed to have the miditunes on board (using SPIFFS), you have to use the filemanagement capabilities of the ESP01 to store and read them. At the ESP01 you van build a webpage to control the midi music player via Wifi. The music player has also a navigation-switch on board, I have not yet found out, how this works.

Edje 03/12/2020
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Kokken The impact is very small and can be ignored.

2020-04-06 10:36:05 Servicial (0)
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