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pfeerick Documentation for the Multi Protocol module is at You've not specified what type of radio you are using - whether it is running OpenTX, EdgeTX or needs the protocol to be set via the control knob on the back. If it is OpenTX or EdgeTX, you simply go in the model settings, enable the External RF module, set it to MULTI, and then pick the V761 protocol. If it is a transmitter that requires you to use the control knob on the module to set the protocol because the radio is unable to, it is somewhat more complicated (and also requires that you are running the PPM firmware, not the Serial control firmware). Basically, you can access up to 70 protocols via the knob, and they are divided into groups or banks of 15. V761 is protocol 48. So you would set the knob to 15 to set the bank. 48 should be in bank 4 (1 is 1-14, 2 is 15-28, 3 is 29-42, 4 is 43-56, 5 is 57-70), so you would power on the module (i.e. turn on the radio), and see how many times the led blinks. if it is not 4, short-press the button to change banks. The led should come on for a second, and then resume blinking. repeat the short presses until it does 4 blinks. Then, power off the radio. Now, since you want protocol 48, 48-43 equals, 5, so now set the knob to 5. That should be it. When you power up the module, it should be in the V761 protocol. Hope that helps. Checkout out the Multi documentation if you get stuck, you'll find it very help, and there is also the RCGroups forum you can g
2023-06-06 11:08:05 Servicial (0)