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Q: will this controller work with taranis transmitter?

Preguntado por Koolme sobre 2022-07-14 01:31:57

SUPERSAM Yes, it works fine.

2022-11-06 08:30:56 Servicial (0)
respuestas (1)

Q: Which FlySky micro receiver is compatible?

Preguntado por SUPERSAM sobre 2020-02-03 09:08:22

AMR no, it won't work with Flysky "original" receivers - have to use third party (like Crossover XR602T) or with "inverter" - Flysky is using non-inverted sbus-ibus signal... tried with 3 original and 2 thirdparty, only Crossover works...

2021-09-22 02:39:46 Servicial (0)
respuestas (3)