Mis preguntas

Q: I need 2 more lights in red. where do I find them?

Preguntado por Villyf sobre 2020-07-12 16:11:53

SKULL you can jet any colour led almost any electric store or ebay

2021-05-04 04:52:51 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (2)

Q: what is the wheels diameter?

Preguntado por Villyf sobre 2020-10-26 11:11:11

Backcour SKUE34516

2020-11-06 04:56:00 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)

Q: Is it dimable?

Preguntado por Villyf sobre 2020-11-01 03:58:55

Pilgrim it is not dimmable.

2020-11-03 03:41:25 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)

Q: how big/long are the beacon lights?

Preguntado por Villyf sobre 2019-04-29 07:09:36

Phil Delf Gauging from the servo male plug, which is about 14mm actual length, scaling on the PC screen I reckon the lights are about 42mm long. I accept no responsibility for my measurements. Check for yourse... Ver Más

2019-06-07 05:10:24 Servicial (3)
Respuestas (1)