Mis preguntas

Q: Is it a 4 channel output?

Preguntado por gaumol26 sobre 2020-06-22 15:08:23

laiqiuting Single channel

2020-07-01 04:22:10 Servicial (1)
Respuestas (1)

Q: Is it 4 channel output?

Preguntado por gaumol26 sobre 2020-06-22 14:52:40

laiqiuting 3 channel

2020-07-01 04:14:33 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)

Daniel You have a good idea brother. But I have never tried it before and can't give you advice

2020-06-28 22:29:07 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)