Mis preguntas

Q: Will the white upgraded version come on your stock?

Preguntado por Odino77 sobre 2023-05-18 03:45:04

The seller Yes,the white upgraded version will be in stock this month as fast as possible

2023-05-18 22:03:17 Servicial (2)
Respuestas (2)

Q: For "telescopic" function do you mean barrel recoil function? Thanks

Preguntado por Odino77 sobre 2023-05-20 16:23:12

The seller No,the meaning is the cannon of this tank has telescopic(extend) function

2023-05-21 20:45:00 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)

Q: In the description of the tank you says: "telescophic"... What does it mean?

Preguntado por Odino77 sobre 2023-05-16 03:28:15

The seller Hello,this product description do not have this word telescophic...

2023-05-16 20:47:09 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)

Q: It has the gun recoil?

Preguntado por Odino77 sobre 2023-05-10 04:28:33

The seller Yes,this tank has realistic recoil feeback

2023-05-10 20:23:47 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)