Mis preguntas

Q: registered Air parcel hás tracking??

Preguntado por ardanaluz sobre 2019-11-16 09:54:44

AresFPV should have tracking of some sorts.

2022-03-24 09:59:48 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (2)

Q: O preço e um absurdo,uma exploração...

Preguntado por ardanaluz sobre 2021-05-11 07:53:44

sergeroth You can 3D-print the frame (on Thingieverse) and get all the bits, and make it yourself easily, if this is too expensive.

2021-05-13 07:31:52 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)

Q: Bind taranis qx7??

Preguntado por ardanaluz sobre 2021-04-09 05:01:16

dengjunbao yes

2021-04-16 03:38:30 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)

Q: controla detector fumaça 433wireless transmission host alarm??

Preguntado por ardanaluz sobre 2021-01-09 10:11:06

JLG Idon't know, but I don't think so.

2021-01-10 03:28:46 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (1)