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nsb 17/04/2019
This is fraud! The battery diameter is oversized. I therefore took off the outer plastic. Below is printed 1800mAh !!!!
Comentarios (25)
  • linky79 Thanks, doing a great service to the rest of us

    Reponder 24/04/2019
  • voo2doo Niceone. I have heard about these re-wraps.

    Reponder 30/04/2019
  • Karel Novotný Max.continuousdischarge current?

    Reponder 02/05/2019
  • BG451554016 Thanks for warning and sharing this!

    Reponder 09/05/2019
  • Samuel Thank you for the heads-up

    Reponder 10/05/2019
  • BG184817420 thank you very much

    Reponder 10/05/2019
  • Tweety38 did you try these in a mod, if so then they are too large because they are button type tops

    Reponder 14/05/2019
  • MarcoZeta Thanksfor warning and sharing this! Questo X

    Reponder 17/05/2019
  • zsolti Thankyou!

    Reponder 22/06/2019
  • Fanou77 4000mAh... Too good to be true... Banggood ! :-(

    Reponder 28/06/2019

    Reponder 05/09/2019
  • johannf @Roger Weildas Betrug ist!!! Geben Sie ehrlich die mAh an, dann werden Sie auch richtig bewertet.

    Reponder 21/10/2019
  • batman Excactlywhat I found out, its a 1800mAh, besides that if you actually discharge/charge them its around 1000-1200 mAh so clearly a lie on the label.

    Reponder 08/11/2019
  • schwemic Thanks for your investigation. I do not buy batteries from CHINA anymore. I had so much bad luck. 4000mA seems impossible.

    Reponder 02/12/2019
  • BigDave hahahaha...AH HAH...YOU GOT THEM...BUT THE PRICE IS RIGHT...ok...they work well and are protected so they are dependable...

    Reponder 03/12/2019
  • PeterM It is a protected cell - they are always larger

    Reponder 04/12/2019
  • CrispyDuck Why give it 5 *'s then?

    Reponder 06/12/2019
  • mcguyver77 If it is a fraud, why you give 5 stars?

    Reponder 09/01/2020
  • Shpuncil for all those people wondering about high star rating. Banggood deletes reviews with bad ratings, that's why all their products are amazing rating lol we all know most of this stuff is garbage and yet most of it has 5 star rating.....I wonder how....

    Reponder 21/01/2020
  • micheldurinx Good to know, but weird your review is "*****"?

    Reponder 04/04/2020
  • Petrica Manoila Unfortunately I did not read the comments section before buying :(
    I discovered the same..

    Reponder 04/04/2020
  • dorbar why'da hell did you giv this crap 5-stars then???

    Reponder 07/11/2022
  • AlexSkvortzov I totally confirm it. Every word is set in stone!
    Unfortunately, I am also a victim. But the price is reasonable overall. Not too bad

    Reponder 24/01/2023
  • hf-seeker Ilike such deep investigations

    Reponder 12/02/2023
  • BG143794911 Whyare you giving 5 Stars?

    Reponder 14/01/2024
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