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Teotiltil 23/03/2022
item worked out of the box descent. But Inside item os very poor montage quality. the batteries were poorly attached to the box and the soldering quality is not acceptable for this kind of item. The whole item was opened... rearranged and resoldered. The power MOSFET have no kind of heat dissipation or cooling and the box is made out of plastic. this means that there is no cooling on the device. If someone wants to do a lot of work with this he must to improve the quality of soldering, cooling and the protection of the batteries and cables. Good Idea but poor implementation. Needs personal work to fox the problems.
Comentarios (5)
  • marcelomascagna realmente solda muito bem , mas as soldas internas e a fixação das baterias também são um ponto crítico para maus contatos, a dissipação de calor dos mosfets eu resolvi implantando um dissipador de alumínio sobre eles , isto praticamente resolveu o problema de uso contínuo.

    Reponder 27/10/2022
  • Teotiltil good

    Reponder 29/11/2022
  • Semis Del Γεια πατριώτη εμένα δεν πάει πάνω από 4v ξέρεις γιατί;

    Reponder 30/05/2023
  • Teotiltil @Semis Del προφανώς το ένα κελί της μπαταρίας έχει βραχυκύκλωμα

    Reponder 15/06/2023
  • REXX5000 excellent reviews 👌 thank you.👍🇮🇪🙏

    Reponder 26/01/2024
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