
Q: What's the difference to V1?

Preguntado por Blue_Rocket sobre 2019-05-09 15:01:16

Ancova It is the v2

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Q: Hey look it is an f40 v2 as a 6s motor. Wonder why they didn't go pantless?

Preguntado por Dnapier sobre 2019-04-25 15:19:05

Ancova Cuz they have probably just changed the windings and the brand 😁

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Ancova Yes to get around the delay induced by a split, turtle or mix

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Q: Hola, que metrica tiene el tornillo de la campana?

Preguntado por rauxbox sobre 2018-06-13 18:12:51

Ancova Suitable for the r6 2207 2400kv?, I can't find any replacement for it

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