
Q: would fit on taranis x-lite? or why only for jumper?

Preguntado por Aless Diaz Lopez sobre 2021-05-11 16:25:22

Bgsto Nah, Jumper don't support overly priced products from dishonest bullies like frsky

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Q: what is the time delay period

Preguntado por BG555114121 sobre 2020-12-22 09:40:02

Bgsto adjustable time period using the potentiometer

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Bgsto Colour temperature is possibly the least useful metric you could have, CRI is a better way to sort out cheap and nasty light sources from nice ones

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Bgsto Unfortunately you need to supply your own LN2 but it's worth it for the true 650W led output

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Bgsto I was thinking that they might be the brightest option too but I can't be bothered to order them all to find out. If they use the same lithium cell for each power output the voltage should sag less and produce a nicer light at lower wattage

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Q: 650 watts? are you sure they aren’t 650 lumens?

Preguntado por BG160153832 sobre 2021-06-10 14:24:56

Bgsto Working on the assumption that these are 12v LED chips I think we can safely assume they're not pulling 54 Amps from a tiny built-in lithium battery, nor dissipating well over half a kilowatt of energy in an unvented plastic housing! Ha.

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Q: Can you connect two of these in parallel to make it 120w?

Preguntado por SooDeluded sobre 2021-06-04 17:07:56

Bgsto No one of these will not become a current "consumer" as someone else predicted because DIODES! Too many wannabe electrical engineers here who shouldn't be giving advice because they don't fully understand the products. In practice it's difficult to perfectly share the load between to power supplies in parallel, but it can be done (wastefully) using resistors among other methods. Search for parallel load balancing circuits.

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