
wombat_991 Thanks for the info. Have you tried to program it with Arduino OTA software? I've run that on some other ESP8266 boards, and it works great (drop me a line if you have problems), but I have not tried it on a board that requires the GPIO pins to be shorted to flash (I have some ESP-01's that are that way, but they only have 512K of flash, so I cannot run OTA software on them). I'm curious to know if OTA works on this module.

labsud 28/01/2017
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wombat_991 I'm curious -- what is the carrier board for? For example, why did you put a micro USB connector on the carrier board and not use the micro USB that is on the NodeMcu board? What's the ribbon cable for? The techie in me needs to know... :-)Thanks.

prr001 16/01/2016
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