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Q: does this have a DVR to record flights? or an SD card slot?

Preguntado por irJERAD sobre 2023-01-14 01:12:38

MrMamos No this Google’s can’t record

2023-01-14 05:13:18 Servicial (0)
respuestas (3)

MrMamos itsopen when you use throtle from minimum to maximum its brighter i dont find something to programm in betaflight

2022-02-26 12:51:07 Servicial (2)
respuestas (4)

Q: Is it possible to install a Flysky FS-1A6B receiver in this.

Preguntado por theslave sobre 2022-02-09 10:58:19

MrMamos yesyou can i bus protocol . but this reiceiver its too big for this drone !

2022-02-20 03:53:27 Servicial (3)
respuestas (1)