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Q: Whats the real rated powernfor 20A plug?

Preguntado por Vedranius sobre 2023-06-14 04:51:30

Doctor I use 16A, but only for small curent to 5A

2023-06-15 02:17:01 Servicial (0)
respuestas (2)

Doctor Hi, I use this device on input of solar inverter. I dont test on batery count. Best tip, I tested next week.

2023-02-02 04:46:28 Servicial (0)
respuestas (1)

Q: what color wire to positive

Preguntado por Jonosouth sobre 2022-06-10 07:09:53

Doctor Hi, positive is red wire, negative is black wire on esc, other witer is for 3 fazes on motor. Change direct of rotare, change two wires on motor or esc programing.

2022-06-10 09:08:30 Servicial (1)
respuestas (2)

Q: how about the software, to dowload Ithe Imagens from lpt. to the engraver.?

Preguntado por BG204417114 sobre 2022-02-02 06:19:20

Doctor Hi. What is "*.lpt" format? From acad, fusion ant other? I use light burn. Its perfect sw for engraving and cuting.

2022-02-02 06:54:35 Servicial (1)
respuestas (2)

Doctor Hi Jan, I have only A5M40, I can not compare this two machine. Different can be in the more thicnes plywood. 😎

2021-12-08 02:39:35 Servicial (0)
respuestas (1)

Q: What current does it draw?

Preguntado por BG401046571 sobre 2021-08-18 05:58:24

Doctor Hi, I use this only as player with audio line out.

2021-08-18 09:03:07 Servicial (0)
respuestas (2)