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yogibear62 Works fine... no, I'm joking... doesn't work in DIY mode with Ufo led bulb with BT speaker IR remote (bought from BG), doesn't work with 3D rgb wall clock 4 button RF remote, doesn't work with original Panasonic N2QAYB000487 remote... neither with Smart Life, nor Tuya app from Google play... that's it...

yogibear62 15/08/2023
Comentarios (1)

yogibear62 The app didn't connected to the watch for the first time, after delete it and install again, it works fine, I think my phone's failed first. I know it's not a professional instrument and the measuring on wrist is not quite precise, as an arm devices'. Heart rate monitor's data is close to the real, but the heart pressure monitor's data is far lowly than the real in my case. Positive, that the watch can be switched off to spare the accumulator, if don't want constantly use. Menu is clear and easy to use. The app starting when the phone switch on and it hasn't a setting to turn on manually.

yogibear62 10/12/2021
Comentarios (1)

yogibear62 It'snot only BT receiver, but BT transmitter too (and FM transmitter, but not FM radio). Yes it will work, it you connect the it to the tv headset jack output... Works cca 2-3 hours from the battery according my test.

2021-10-09 10:01:40 Servicial (0)
respuestas (5)

Q: how to calibrate cursor of it ? moving without any command

Preguntado por Viju77 sobre 2018-08-11 11:01:43

yogibear62 Sorryfor the late answer. See this link, I used it, and worked. When I take out the batteries and take in after a week or two, place it any the table or any flat surface, and left it on for a minute and press one button, the it works fine. Search this in Goole: "calibrating-drifting-mx3-air-mouse" (this site doesn't allow to put in links for me)

2021-10-09 09:55:33 Servicial (0)
respuestas (3)