Mis preguntas

Q: these props will fit the iFlight XING X2207 2450KV?

Preguntado por locomotive94k sobre 2020-06-26 10:58:16

BurakGzl yes these propellers are suitible with 2400 kv motors, and it can fit into xing x2207 motors well. You can check some bench test web sites to make sure buying a true propeller for your motor. (for exa... Ver Más

2020-06-26 11:13:08 Servicial (2)
Respuestas (2)

Q: Its ok to charga to 8.4v ? or only to 7.4jQuery1113043739846042678976_1597492977406

Preguntado por locomotive94k sobre 2020-08-15 07:03:23

Ma5hin3 You lower the lipo lifespan charging to 8.4

2020-09-05 06:47:28 Servicial (0)
Respuestas (2)